Resting in Jesus

Emily LaGrone
2 min readOct 9, 2020


Spending time with God isn’t the same for everyone. It’s not a rehearsed prayer or cookie-cutter Bible study — or maybe it is.

Think about this.

When you hang out with a friend, sibling, parent or cool aunt- what do you do together? Do you sit in a white room, talking in a monotone voice about the weather? No way! You have a relationship with this person. You catch up on life, talk about the great things happening and the not-so-great-things that are happening. You may hang out at a coffee shop, go to a painting class or participate in your own version of carpool karaoke. Whatever it is, you are able to enjoy time together because you know one another.

The same thing applies to your relationship to God.You were created to be known and that can only be fulfilled by being known by God.

As you live life, things get in the way of knowing God in a deeper way. You’re trying to juggle friends, family, school and work but in the busyness of life, you still have a longing to know Jesus. Sometimes life is crazy and we can’t find time and sometimes we don’t want to find the time. And you know what, that’s okay. However, there is something beautiful about pushing through and spending time with Jesus anyway. It can be as simple as sitting still and listening to a worship song as you begin to reflect on His goodness. In those moments, some of the deepest worship can happen because we simply acted in obedience. Just like your friend or cool aunt, God enjoys spending time with you.

So spend time with Jesus. Take time to understand how you can worship in a way that helps you express the deeper things happening in your heart. And know that your time with Jesus doesn’t have to look like everyone else’s. As you read and meditate on a passage of Scripture, you can take out a paintbrush and begin to create as you worship the Creator. Or as you begin to pray but can’t find the words, turn on a worship song that you can adopt as your prayer and begin to praise Him. When you feel isolated and far from God, lean in to community that encourages and points you towards Him.

Spending time with Jesus will encourage your heart, ease your anxiety, spark joy and challenge you to be more like Him. Continue to worship the One who knows you, loves you and has set you free.



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